Thursday, December 08, 2005


I don't understand people who 1. never read Narnia or 2. never read it more than once or 3. read it and didn't care much for it. I think there is something fundamentally different between Narnia-lovers and those who have never *gasp* fully appreciated its wonders. People in the first category may be forgiven-perhaps it was their parents' fault. But the second and third...I donno. I am suspicious of them. But I think we can still be friends.

I, being raised in a Christian home, was aware from my first reading of the Christian themes. Aslan tearing off Eustace's dragon skin. Aslan's sacrifice on the round table. Aslan telling Lucy that even if the others don't, she should follow him. The parallels are obvious and, to me, meaningful and absolutely wonderful.

So I am thrilled that the movie, which I will see soon, looks like it sticks to the books. I know the books so intimately, having read the entire series every year whole life, that I think it will be great to see how much of the movie matches my imagination.

I am not thrilled, however, at the latest battle in the culture wars that is surrounding the release of the film. People screeching about the Christian themes being offensive or detracting from the story. (Um, duh. Of course it's Christian-Lewis was a Christian. So...what? Christian themes can't be used in entertainment?) Or trying to use it as a conversion tool a la The Passion (Lewis himself says it wasn't a proseletizing tool, but a fantastical children's story: What if Jesus had come in a different sort of world? He denies that it is an allegory, even.) Or musing about C.S. Lewis' personal life and sexual habits. (Because that has *everything* to do with how good the story is! Oh, wait...) The list goes on.

You know how when you have to explain a joke, it stops being funny? SO CAN WE ALL STOP WITH THE PSYCHOANALYSIS AND JUST ENJOY THE STORY?

Thank you. Pass the popcorn.

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