Sunday, January 09, 2005

Week One

I've been a whole week in Washington, DC, now, and I think I've managed to figure out where I live, where I work, and where to buy food. It's nice and chilly, just cold enough to wear tweed, while LA is hardly ever that cold, and I like the fact that I can take public transportation everywhere while wearing tweed. I do, however, miss the palm trees. And cheap(er) sushi.

This made my day: new Middle Eastern Superheroes! If I had a paid internship, I would buy an issue.

1 comment:

Champagne Socialist said...

Hey Catherine! I can't tell you how sad and miserable I already am, away from my persistently inspirational coworkers at CSIS. I just wanted to thank you for the plethora of postings that speak well of me. And don't worry about the picture with the half-closed eyes...maybe the one Leila took with my camera was better...I'll send it if it is. Much love; remember: save up for Egypt!