Sunday, June 12, 2005


All sorts of good developments lately: the removal of the braces, the new studio apartment, the new (paid!) fancy internship, and being back in DC after a two week hiatus in Colorado. The last internship ended on a high note: the wildly successful conference on U.S.-Saudi relations, which was sort of the fruit of my labor, or at least, I worked hard on the little bits for which I was responsible. It's great to be back in DC where my Boy lives only a short drive away and where there are places to go dancing EVERY NIGHT of the week and where it's hot and humid and really feels like a summer. But I will be without my favorite dance partner as my favorite Boy is starting surgery residency soon...90 hours a week is a lot of time at work, and not much time to do much else. I'll miss him, but he will enjoy it and be a Very Good Doctor.

I have a vaguely-explained internship at the Marine Corps Headquarters doing something ... with intelligence ... and foreign language ... ? All my correspondence with my future emplyers has been in vague terms and I'm still not entirely sure what my job description is. Never mind. It's paid. It's in DC. It takes care of my service requirement. If I tell you any more, I'll have to kill you.

It's also great to have my own apartment with a full kitchen, my own entry, an enormous closet where all my shoes can be prominently displayed, and new appliances, close to the metro and Whole Foods (what more could you want?) I plan on having a housewarming shindig soon and inviting everyone I know, which is not that many people, complete with hors d'oeurves and fancy colored drinks. With umbrellas, maybe.

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