Monday, August 21, 2006

The Best Of DC

The Washingtonian does it, so I'm going to, too.


Hair: Hands down, no contest: Trim Salon.

Nails: Color Nails on 17th and R. $35 Mani/pedi, and a nice massage in the package. Can't beat that.

Facials: Andre Chreky Salon, 16th and K. Seriously, go to Mila. She will FIX YOUR SKIN.

Shoe repair: George's Shoe Repair on U street. He's been fixing shoes for 57 years. When he fixes your high heels, they don't break again after 2 weeks, like every other shoe repair store. Also, he's very old and cute and he laughs a lot.

Coffee: Tryst's Cuban Coffee is the best cuppa I've tasted in DC.


That is all. I have updates from Marrakech when I return. Stay tuned!

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