Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Ash Wednesday

I didn't know what Lent was until I went to college and met all these people fasting for Lent. I thought that it was required to give up chocolate, since everyone talked about giving up chocolate. (This immediately made me suspicious...why would God make you give up chocolate for 40 days?! I dont' think that's in the Bible.) This year, I actually asked people to explain to me what Lent is. So now I that I know what it is, and that you don't have to give up chocolate, happy Ash Wednesday (Maybe "happy" is inappropriate...? Blessed?)

If I had 50 thousand greenbacks, I wouldn't spend it on this.

I should have posted this on inauguration day: the Washington Post Inauguration Blog has an amusing story about an important protest:
12:28 p.m. ET
Put Down Those Forks
The group of protesters stood a few feet away from the entrance to the Federal Triangle Metro station, holding signs and timing their chants for the arrival of Metro riders: "Two, four, six, eight--no more forks!" One protester asked, "Were forks mentioned in the Constitution? No!" A sign read, "Jesus hates forks." The young men identified themselves only as members of the anti-fork movement. Their chants drew stares, guffaws, and expressions of bewilderment. It wasn't long before a transit police officer made them move away from the Metro entrance. They regrouped a few feet away and resumed their chanting. --Susan J. DeFord

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