Monday, February 28, 2005

Long Time No Post

A beautiful mix of politics and pop culture: Remember the middle section of The Graduate, where Benjamin follows Elaine to Berkeley and keeps asking her to marry him? Finally she says, "I'll think about it." Benjamin reacts in shock: "Really? You'll really think about it?" That's how some Europeans and several American observers are reacting to Bush's comment that he'll think about joining the Iranian nuclear negotiations. Now it is worth noting, Elaine did end up marrying Benjamin, or at least running out on the frat boy that she'd agreed to marry. So who knows, maybe a shift on Iran is in the works, too.

More on rap! This time it's in Sudan.

This guy is very attached to his hamster. And I say, more power to him.

Rami kindly invited me to his place for a wine-tasting a few days ago. A lot of people showed up, mostly young intern-types like us. Now I am cultured and know all about "fruit-forward" wines and how to tell if a wine is "flabby" or "has legs" or is "dry." We all unanimously liked the Picpull (Picpul?) white wine, very nice. By the end, though, all the reds started tasting like all the other reds, and having never been much of a red wine fan, I preferred the whites. And now I know why.

I've also been able to keep up with the weekly tango lessons, and I can now do backwards AND forwards ochos. I discovered that the place I dance on Saturday nights lets you in for free if you volunteer for an hour beforehand. I like free almost as much as I like dancing. Probably more, in fact. So this is a happy discovery.

Fatema and I saw and approved of Born into Brothels, the documentary that won the Oscar this year. It's really touching, with a litte hope and a little sadness (well, ok, a lot of sadness.) I highly recommend it.

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