Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Perks of Popedom

In Popemobile news, Ferrari is going to give a new, scarlet red, Ferrari Popemobile to il Baba to celebrate his 26th anniversary in the Vatican. Michael Schumaker, a German world champion race car driver, was honored with a high vatican medal during the meeting. The Pope also got to play with a model of the Ferrari F1. It's good to be Pope.

If you, like I, are interested in things religious and humanitarian, NPR just did a story on it.

The Internet Monk put this into better words than I ever did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have applied to Ferrari to get a replica of the Popemobile for my own use. Is it necessary to practice waving to the people like he does so that I don't disgrace the vehicle? drange