Monday, October 10, 2005

Lori and What We Did

There is a certain SoCal artist, with whom I used to live and whom I haven't seen in at least a year, and she decided to visit me this weekend, and sleep on my squeaky futon, and let me tell you about what we did.

We ate a delicious French dinner. And the next night we ate Spanish tapas! On Saturday, we even drank mochas at my favorite coffeehouse, Tryst.

We visited the National Cathedral

and happened upon a BUNCH OF EPISCOPALIANS! One of them was very nice and led us to a seat in the front so we could see, even though we only caught the last hymn.

We ventured to Mt. Vernon in the pouring rain, where we bought apple butter and got very wet, despite our greatest efforts to stay dry.

And we toured Georgetown in our cars so as not to get wet

and then saw the Kennedy's graves, and Rehnquist's newly-dug grave (below) at Arlington before driving (and only getting mildly lost) to Dulles so she could head back to the non-rain in Southern California.

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